View Full Version : Trimming Ribs For Horizontal Stabilizer

05-10-2024, 07:20 PM
The one thing the previous owner of my kit worked on is fitting the ribs for the Horizontal stabilizer and elevator. He told me he had trouble with some and ordered replacements for the couple ribs he thought could not be salvaged. He never glued any ribs in place and just packed them away. I put off this part of my build and worked on the fuselage for the last month or so as I?ve been waiting for warm enough weather to varnish the wood as my work shop is not heated full time. I began test fitting the ribs that were already trimmed to fit and I?m curious what end are other builders trimming on the ribs for the horizontal? It seems the previous owner trimmed the leading edge of them which causes the airfoil to end in different places along the leading edge. This makes some stick past the leading edge tube and would need to be contoured before covering. Some are tight enough I may be able to trim the rear and use the epoxy to bridge the gap left in the front and some are a bit loose already and would require the same. I?m trying to decide if I can salvage these ribs or if I should spend the $240.00 I was quoted to order all new ribs. I?m wondering if the epoxy would be enough to bridge the gap or if the rib should be snug at each end.

05-12-2024, 09:01 AM
Have you watched the kitfox rib trimming video?


05-12-2024, 04:12 PM
Have you watched the kitfox rib trimming video?


Thanks there?s a bunch of good info there.