View Full Version : KF3 Wing

02-24-2010, 08:16 PM
Just ready to cover the wing and noticed the false ribs on the KF3 are about 3/16 of and inch higher at the leading edge that the capstrips for the first 2 inches and tapers flat toward the end of the false rib. In other words the false ribs stick up above the main ribs. Is this going to be an issue? It does somewhat change the airfoil and will add extra pull on the glued area of the capstrips of the main ribs. It didn't say anything about this in the model 3 but does specify them to be level in the model 4 instructions. I glued the false ribs where they fit the spar but now I'm concerned. Anybody else had this issue?

02-25-2010, 07:30 AM
you should be able to take a straight edge and lay it across the top of the ribs the length of the wing anywhere and have all ribs touch the straight edge,..I'd be sanding them to bring them down to the same height as the main ribs.


02-25-2010, 08:35 PM
Yep, I was afraid somebody was going to say that. Looks like i have a lot of sanding to do this weekend. Does anybody Model 1 thru 3 have false ribs that are higher than the capstrips. It seems on my avidflyer they stuck up a little higher than the ribs.

02-26-2010, 05:06 AM
Back in 1999 when I bought my Series 5 kit from SS ,I opted for the quick build wing. I should have built the wing myself because the workmanship would have been better. The false ribs were mounted above the main ribs by as much as 1/4" in spots. I opted to remove them and reinstalled them myself in their proper location. I clamped a straightedge between the main ribs as a guide for positioning the false ribs. Bruce M199CL