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View Full Version : STi Wing, Oratex and Fuel Filling

05-01-2022, 04:56 PM
Still working up to starting the covering of the STi wing using Oratex. Have checked the forum looking for pics on how people finished off the top of the wing around the fuel filler. Not the same as the stock SS7 wing. If anyone has some pics or suggestions on how to proceed with that, I would appreciate it very much. Here's a pic of where I am talking about.



05-01-2022, 07:37 PM
Gary there are lots of areas you will want to paint to match what color you are doing prior to covering and this is one of them. Make sure you blend the transitions good which looks like you have. We covered over the fuel cap then came back and cut with a rzr blade and wrapped down as far as we could. We then trimmed it straight. I then came back with finishing tape and put a piece around the inside to give it a clean look.

05-02-2022, 06:12 AM
Gary there are lots of areas you will want to paint to match what color you are doing prior to covering and this is one of them. Make sure you blend the transitions good which looks like you have. We covered over the fuel cap then came back and cut with a rzr blade and wrapped down as far as we could. We then trimmed it straight. I then came back with finishing tape and put a piece around the inside to give it a clean look.

Thanks Dustin. That certainly makes sense.


05-02-2022, 08:14 AM
https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/AM-JKLVMdygkauSV19VR9HpBpO9EF3LcJTqIO6SWIxN3Cbud4mE75 RNyd5XQczkzK4pUSU7aQqBHYzoQTjMd8M36AeOOMAdQTjy6b-1YiQWN6voQw0Mta6EZHZLLHCjL7322bsYgZlOucSgU8AbBhd3B NH9f_g=w765-h1019-no?authuser=0

Best picture I could find for you. I painted the 1 rib to match silvers oratex. Stopped the oratex at the first ridge. After I finished covering and shrinking then I came back with a brand new rzr blade and cut a clean line. After looking at the picture not sure if I mentioned to you but I would highly recommend the banjo fittings for the fuel fittings.

05-02-2022, 09:23 AM
Thanks for the pic Dustin. That helps me for sure. I already have the banjo dialed in so that's good to go.
