View Full Version : Gone West - Charlie

03-28-2022, 11:41 AM
We are beside ourselves with the news of the sudden passing of our long time welder Charlie Mort. 😢 Charlie has been welding Kitfoxes since the beginning, working for Dan Denney, welded for Skystar and has been instrumental in our success. Charlie was one the hardest workers anyone has ever seen and he was hard to keep up with! Charlie was a good Dad with tough love, played bass in a band at church and would lend a hand to anyone who needed it. His work with metal was artistic and he was always proud of what he put out. We have a BIG hole to fill in our hearts and in our shop.
Life is fragile, hug the ones close to you.... Let them know they matter. Charlie, we'll miss you buddy! Your fingerprints are all over this shop and we'll never forget your contribution to our little corner of the world. We pray for the comfort of his family and those mourning his passing.

For those that want, there is a Go Fund Me https://gofund.me/16ad6312 Because the online fund accounts charge fees we have chosen to do something more direct to the family... If any want to contribute and don't want to use the go fund me we are collecting and ALL the proceeds will go to the family. Please contact Debra direct.

Our understanding; the cause was a church group tree removal project trying to help others.

John McBean

03-28-2022, 11:55 AM
Rest in Peace Charlie. Now you can look down and see all your marvelous work from high above.


03-28-2022, 12:59 PM
So very sorry to hear this John. It's hard to loose a good person like that. My condolences to his family and to everyone at Kitfox.

03-28-2022, 01:45 PM
I was so sad to hear of Charlie’s passing. An artist at his craft. Anyone here who knew or met Charlie, knows what an incredible loss this is to his family and friends, to John, Debra and all of Charlie’s friends at Kitfox Aircraft and our Kitfox community. My sincerest

03-28-2022, 05:36 PM
My most heartfelt, sincere condolences to the Kitfox family on Charlie's passing.

03-29-2022, 08:05 PM
So sorry to hear this news. I never met Charlie but I am the benefactor of his skills. Condolences to his family and his Kitfox family.

04-09-2022, 03:15 PM
Thank you to those that contributed to helping Charlie’s family with donations. We are going to be closing this out on the 15th of April.
If you haven’t donated and would like to, please give Debra a call at the office. 208.337.5111

Charlie’s Celebration of Life service was expected to have approximately 100 people… 240 arrived. Charlie touched many lives and lives on in the Kitfox community. Welding the Kitfox fuselage for 30 years chances are Charlie is flying beneath your wings.