View Full Version : Cabin Air Help

03-25-2022, 05:12 AM
Hey Guys! I have a guardian ipad holder. A couple times my ipad has overheated. Usually when I forget to cover it when I park and it cooks with the sun on it. Guardian sells a fan for it but I am thinking more a passive approach. I want to cut the tube for the cabin air and put a 3d printed coupler between it that has a port to the ipad. I will then run some large surgical tubing to the back of the ipad holder for some airflow to the back of the ipad. Wondering if anyone with the cabin air vent kit could measure the inside diameter of the cabin air tubing?

Thank You!

Kitfox Guy
03-25-2022, 10:04 AM
Sounds like a good idea, let us know if it works. I’ve got the same problem trying to keep my iPad from overheating in the summer.

03-25-2022, 10:39 AM
I was just looking at that system as I was doing something different too.

03-25-2022, 11:05 AM
2" I.D. on mine.

03-25-2022, 12:16 PM
Someday is that showing 1 7/8" I can't tell if its just the angle of the picture?

Thanks Jim. If the ID of the tubing is 2" Then I think if I make the O.D. 1 7/8" of the coupler that should work?

03-25-2022, 12:27 PM
Yes it is. 1 7/8

03-25-2022, 02:32 PM
Great thanks! I will post what I come up with and let you know if it helps.

03-27-2022, 09:25 PM
This is what I am thinking. May give it a try this week. I will let you know!

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/pw/AM-JKLXSHmzHPAnmvX0X86Oi2TWJgAiiNPLDFvfo0TBj4XmCSOizl cE_qhz8AZgSs28HhINQm5yTnZFe2CGM47QZUxFD3wExvfiEiyE OXxtD_PL1nbm4gFqogU0o8H2bMRzmrlDhwewG_dQkkR0M5l8xk 2qLyg=w1359-h1019-no?authuser=0