View Full Version : Another Monday in Paradise.

02-01-2010, 11:20 PM
Last Monday was India Hills. This Monday Marana (KAVQ) was the destination for DesertFox1 and myself. We were off to see TucsonChris and his almost completed Super Sport.
I just shut down my Kitfox in front of his hangar as Phil drove up. We pulled Phil's Super Sport out and pushed my model 4 right back in the hangar where Phil's had just vacated. Lucky me got the left seat, again. I like Mondays lately. After topping off with fuel we quickly left Chandler's airspace behind and headed for Tucson. Chirs lives on the north side of Tucson so we chose Marana to rendezvous. Beautiful day to Kitfox, again. Calm air , high Cirrus but just a little haze. Nice smooth ride down as we split the difference between Coolidge and Eloy's airports. Eloy is Arizona's biggest Skydiving location. There are always jump planes in the air and people plummeting toward terra firma. Just for fun mind you. I hear they actually pay for the privilege.
Being as both Phil and I skipped breakfast at home we cut a few corners and headed direct for Marana, known for very good tasting and very reasonably priced breakfasts. We crossed a couple smaller mountain ridges to do it but paid no penalty from turbulence due to calm winds.


Tied down and headed in for eggs and bacon we meet up with Chris. After eating it's off to his home and shop for a look at the project. First off, it's Cub Yellow so he's got me already. A new 912S hangs on the front nice and neatly installed. Look at that panel! What is it about IP's that does it for us pilots. After a quick glance at the aircraft the first thing we all want to see is the panel. Right?


I think they instantly conger up great imaginary adventures with multiple low passes over unfortunate friends who had to work while you are out overcoming Earth's unyielding pull for an hour or two. They produce visions of perfect Kitfox three-point landings on back-country grass strips beside trout streams teaming with fish just begging to be caught, cooked on a camp fire and eaten while taking in the strong scent of Pines. Oh, sorry guys. Kind of drifted off there for a second.

After looking over all the top notch craftsmanship Chris has lavished on every inch of his Kitfox, Phil and I helped remove the 'ready for covering' wings. I took several more photos but will let Chris debut his creation for all to see in due time.

Back out to Marana airport where Phil told me I could take Chris for a flight in the Super Sport. Tough duty. A nice 30 minutes of local flight with Chris on the controls to get a feel for what's coming his way soon and to keep his enthusiasm at high level for the push to the finish line. I'm pretty sure it worked.


Neither one of us was in a hurry to return Papa's Kitfox to him but we finally reluctantly put it back on the ground at Marana. A quick good bye and we are off for Chandler by way of Picacho Peak State Park.
Another Monday that will stay in the memory banks for quite a while. In a perfect world this is how a week should start. Always.
Another big thanks to Phil for sharing his aircraft and "paying it forward".