View Full Version : dual throttle

01-02-2021, 04:39 AM
In this photo you can see two throttle push/pull red knob on each side of the panel. Does any one have information on how the two are connected to work together on A ROTAX?

https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/Jf1rbnsH_9VOKFEFWqLe7g5fy649rMcBvE24v6SlCHcukhBVCU 3WKXUjZJF4jgKYFIMbD7o=s156 (https://www.google.com/search?sa=G&hl=en&tbs=simg:CAQStAIJ_1o4DYxGmGocaqAILELCMpwgaYgpgCAMS KKQYoxioGJoNzA3aGMoNphjZGJ8YvjKFJpEhvzKIINsy2TKQId cy7jwaMPMolgROibu3ssl1FfEuQpToedWOKoya6tdFCaZezqSp DUJsFMElwgsRbDU9yCeY6yAEDAsQjq7-CBoKCggIARIE-ENAxgwLEJ3twQkaoAEKGgoHY29ja3BpdNqliPYDCwoJL20vMDE 1OF81CiEKDmRpc3BsYXkgZGV2aWNl2qWI9gMLCgkvbS8wMjl6e jYKIAoMYXZpYXRpb24gZ3Bz2qWI9gMMCgovbS8waGdyX19qChs KCWFsdGltZXRlctqliPYDCgoIL20vMGNyemIKIAoNdHJpcCBjb 21wdXRlctqliPYDCwoJL20vMGZtemIzDA&sxsrf=ALeKk03o2g4JqWdcY2FzZS19wUA1k9O5yQ:160958735 3842&q=kitfox+s7+sti+interior&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwiBk9eTlP3tAhUIo1kKHdENCVwQwg4oAHoECBAQM Q)
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01-02-2021, 10:47 AM
That doesn't look like a Kitfox to me; probably has a Lyc/Con with a single carburetor. The red knobs also make me think it is a dual mixture control, with throttle control down on the console.

01-02-2021, 10:53 AM
Yes, it’s a Jabiru. Those controls are probably for fresh air or something else.

01-02-2021, 11:04 AM
I believe the Bushcat has dual throttles and a Rotax 912 engine so it is possible.

01-02-2021, 11:56 AM
Zenith use a torque tube running behind the panel to link the two throttles. This would work in a fox depending on the panel layout.

01-02-2021, 07:21 PM
Jabiru J230-D. looking on the web, that aircraft was reviewed by Kitplane and Sport Aviation among others. Those are placarded as throttles in the reviews pics. I couldn't make out exactly what the console lever is.

01-02-2021, 07:46 PM
Early Kitfoxes with 912s used a "torque tube" behind the panel for one throttle control to 2 carbs. It would be easy to use the same system to link 2 throttle controls to a similar system. However... Why? This system has been replaced in most for the McFarland single throttle control with 2 cables to the carbs.

It is not difficult for most pilots to easily shift between throttle right, control left to control right, throttle left.


01-02-2021, 09:42 PM
If you're interested Jim, here are the 2 pages that cover the throttle control installation in the Jabiru J230 construction manual. The design is probably similar to the way many Kitfox builders did it, especially before the dual cable assembly. Highwing (Lowell) had a really slick design for his, as I recall (like so many of his ideas) that there were pictures of on this forum.

That Jabiru airplane was a factory demonstrator that was then sold. Those throttles don't seem to have any locking or adjustable friction feature that's visible in the picture... must be something somewhere though, especially since those engines used a Bing carb with throttle spring..

01-03-2021, 08:22 AM
Remos uses the dual throttle controls with Rotax engines

01-03-2021, 10:57 AM
Challenger II aircraft also use a dual throttle control, front seat rear seat, could easy b used to do left and right controls, and they r off rotax 503,582. i have a really nice one in almost new shape id sell resonable if ur lookin for one,

01-03-2021, 05:18 PM
Thanks for the replies, looks like there are options.