View Full Version : Best model to put on Amphibs

Puddle Jumper
07-19-2020, 12:34 PM
Hello all again!
As you may know from my previous threads I’m new to the Kitfox world and don’t own one yet. I want an Amphib and my research is pointing to the Kitfox as the plane to get.
Any opinions on whether one model would perform better on floats than other models?

07-19-2020, 07:13 PM
Kitfox on Floats is always close to the weight limit, Amphibs might be asking too much.
I don't have either on my plane, but I tend to think it's not the best airplane for the mission.

Maybe somebody more knowledgeable will chime in?


Puddle Jumper
07-20-2020, 04:30 AM
Kitfox on Floats is always close to the weight limit, Amphibs might be asking too much.
I don't have either on my plane, but I tend to think it's not the best airplane for the mission.

Maybe somebody more knowledgeable will chime in?


Oh nooo!
That’s not good news! I need to look carefully into useful load and float weight.
I fly alone most of the time, thinking if someone else comes along it would have to be a light person and I’d have to manage the fuel weight if it turns out I can do that and stay below gross.

Thanks Jeff, I appreciate the input!

Hello all again,
Does anyone out there have a Kitfox on amphibs or know someone who does?
Is it doable?


07-20-2020, 07:10 AM
This may help put your mind at ease a bit. I suppose being amphibs might be too much?

https://youtu.be/oAp4cNwUmN4 (https://youtu.be/oAp4cNwUmN4)



07-20-2020, 07:53 AM
I think a Kitfox would make a nice floatplane. Dave Price's KF7 on Zenair 1450s performed very well once he got everything setup and rigged. His EW on the Zenair floats was 930#, which would make it approximately 1010# using the Zenair 1450 amphibs (40# increase per float). That still leaves 540# for fuel/crew/cargo. I think that is very doable, especially if you are planning on mostly flying solo. It might be worth asking Dave how his plane performed at GW.

The key would be to build the Kitfox as light as possible. It might be worth seeing if the GW could be bumped up 50-100# on floats. This is often done with certified aircraft when they certify them on floats.

To be honest a Cub or Super Cub will probably make a better floatplane than a Kitfox. They have more wing area. A J-3 Cub has 178 sq. ft. and the Kitfox has 132. If the weight and power were identical the Cub is going to get out of the water better on floats.

BTW if there was some legal water to use in southern Idaho I would have a set of floats for my plane and consider the Zenair 1450 amphibs.

Eric Page
07-20-2020, 08:00 AM
There's a Service Bulletin on the Kitfox website (here (https://kitfoxaircraft.com/images/servicebulletins/SB-30.pdf)) which suggests that SkyStar Aircraft (a predecessor of Kitfox Aircraft) once sold amphibious floats. Given the 1993 date on this SB, I think it would have been for the Model IV. I don't know if the floats were designed/manufactured by SkyStar, or if they were a dealer for someone else, but it appears that the factory condoned their use. Perhaps someone who flew one on amphibs will comment on performance.

07-20-2020, 09:09 AM
Every model Kitfox was very float capable. Denney Aerocraft had every model they manufactured, model 1 through the model 4 on floats in their advertisements. The models 5- the current Model 7SS have been on both straight and amphibs. They all make excellent float planes if built light and chose an appropriate engine. They’ll be off way quicker than a J-3 unless the J-3 or PA-11 has 100 hp. Most J-3s had 65 hp. unless up engined. Ours was 65 hp. It was anemic as a land plane with two aboard.

When I covered my Model 7SS, I put seaplane grommets in the trailing edge of the wings hoping to put mine on amphibs some day
and built it light (763lbs E.W.) with that goal in mind. I have the Rotax 912uls 100 hp. engine and it will make an exciting floatplane with a much better cruise speed for cross country trips. Eddie posted links to Dave’s Kitfox on floats already so you can see the performance on 100 hp. and two adults on board.

One of members just sold his Kitfox and has his straight floats up for sale in our classified section here https://teamkitfox.com/Forums/threads/10796-Zenair-1450-Straight-Floats-No-Leaks!

Also for the record, SkyStar never manufactured any floats nor did Denney Aerocraft.
I would like to see more Kitfox with floats. Seems to be the best kept secret in the Kitfox community.

07-20-2020, 12:20 PM
I thought the 1550GW was specifically for floats on the 7?
As soon as someone mentions a fox on floats I immediately think of Gary Walsh.
He's near Lake Simcoe in Ontario 🇨🇦. Aerocets I think. Beautiful plane! I envision doing the same in the future myself.
Go to the FB group and search for his name to see the plane. You can reach out that way as I'm not sure he's on here.
The KF is very capable on amphibs, maybe not a purpose built platform but don't get discouraged.


Puddle Jumper
07-20-2020, 04:31 PM
Thanks a whole bunch Jeff, Eddie, Eric, Desert Fox and Patrick for your helpful comments.
Not giving up yet, I think KF’s are one of the best planes out there and hope I can make it happen.
Lots to research and consider.
I posted a WTB, too old and not mechanically inclined enough to build one.
Hopefully someone out there with a nice bird on amphibs will consider selling.
If you know someone who might be interested in selling please ask him/her to contact me.
If anyone has any other thoughts please post.
Thanks to all and stay safe,

Puddle Jumper

07-22-2020, 03:54 AM

The above link is to a nice write up of one of the members Kitfox IV on amphibious floats. In the article he mentions that the empty weight of this airplane is 779 and it is a 1200 gross weight Kitfox IV. That leaves 421 pounds useful load. He mentions that the airplane has some extra weight in terms of paint, so a few pounds might be saved by using minimal coats of paint, or something like oratex for covering.

I have a Kitfox IV project that I would like to someday put on amphibious floats. Using the above as a guide and with myself and wife total weights at 330 pounds leaves 91 pounds for fuel and baggage. I wouldn't anticipate needing baggage if she were flying with me so I could get 15 gallons of fuel in which would be plenty.

While this amount of useful load isn't winning any awards it could very well be enough depending on you and your mission, and this is for the Kitfox IV. For the newer models, keeping weight as low as possible during construction would yield even more useful load.

Puddle Jumper
07-23-2020, 04:58 AM
EXCELLENT write up by Paul! Lots of good info.
Desert Fox 4 suggested earlier that I contact Paul for amphib info, I sent him a private message but apparently he isn’t logging in lately, probably busy building something or flying :).
My plans are to purchase an already built model 5,6 or 7 which should give me a gross weight of 1550 lbs., I fly solo 95% of the time so weight shouldn’t be an issue.

Thank you for pointing me to this write up, very informative and helpful.
Hope you put floats on your Fox, water flying is lots of fun.

07-23-2020, 05:58 AM
I’m painting my ZenAir 1450A’s right now..... hopefully have good data on weight and balance this fall/ winter.....

07-23-2020, 06:57 AM
What is your current EW?

If I lived in Michigan I would have floats on my Kitfox, our family has a cottage on Pickeral Lake near Petoskey.

Puddle Jumper
07-23-2020, 07:27 AM
I’m painting my ZenAir 1450A’s right now..... hopefully have good data on weight and balance this fall/ winter.....

Beautiful plane, love the color scheme! Floats look great, float flying fun heading your way.
From what I’ve seen so far Zenair 1450’s seem to be the only ones put on KF’s.
Wondering if someone has installed Clamars and how they like them.

I live on a lake in Central Florida, I see you understand my need for floats. :)

07-23-2020, 07:55 AM
I live on a lake in Central Florida, I see you understand my need for floats. :)

I miss fling floats. I spent 7 years flying float planes (out of my 20) in Indonesia with Mission Aviation Fellowship. I have over 2700 hours on floats. I started in a TU206 with Aerocet 3500 straight floats, then with Wipaire 4000 amphibs, but most of my float time was in the amphibious Caravan. I also helped take the first amphibious Kodiak to Oshkosh in 2013. The Kodiak photo was taken in the river next to the Homedale airport, home of the Kitfox factory!



Puddle Jumper
07-23-2020, 11:26 AM
I miss fling floats. I spent 7 years flying float planes (out of my 20) in Indonesia with Mission Aviation Fellowship. I have over 2700 hours on floats. I started in a TU206 with Aerocet 3500 straight floats, then with Wipaire 4000 amphibs, but most of my float time was in the amphibious Caravan. I also helped take the first amphibious Kodiak to Oshkosh in 2013. The Kodiak photo was taken in the river next to the Homedale airport, home of the Kitfox factory!



WOW! What a super float flying record!
You got to fly some of the best out there.
Move near water! :)