View Full Version : Propellers

  1. Prop installation / HKS
  2. Feedback on Sensenich composite
  3. IVO prop
  4. Prop Diameter
  5. Warp drive vs IVO?
  6. Cap 140 prop
  7. GSC prop
  8. IVO Light vs Med - Kitfox Speedster
  9. Warp Drive pitch settings
  10. Inflight adj. props for jabiru
  11. TakeOff RPM on 912uls
  12. Kiev prop
  13. IVO electronic governor
  14. Sensenich 2-blade composite..
  15. Warp Drive hub
  16. Brolga Ultra-Prop
  17. 912uls Oil Temp
  18. prop adapter
  19. Spinner for Ground Adjustable IVO
  20. kitfox 7 propeller advice
  21. IVO 582 Light vs Medium
  22. Where can I get stainless prop tape
  23. Warp on a 912ul
  24. Kiev Success
  25. Prop/reduction box matching
  26. IVO Medium 3blade 70" on a Cbox 3:1 ratio?
  27. Kool prop info/experience
  28. Olmstead High Efficiency Propeller
  29. IVO IFA Adjustment
  30. 74.8" Kiev?
  31. Adjustable Propeller Angle gauge- which one to get?
  32. Tennessee propeller
  33. Would like Info On IFA IVOPROP
  34. Med IVO Ground Adjustable on 912UL?
  35. Prop for an O-200
  36. IVO Problem
  37. Prop advice for Lycoming 0235
  38. Prop for kitfox on floats
  39. rating Kiev/Whirlwind
  40. IVO Inflight adjust install photos? anyone?
  41. Bolly Propellers
  42. Airmaster with Kiev or Warpdrive?
  43. woodcomp
  44. Prop Length
  45. Wich propeller for a Rotax 582 on Kitfox 2
  46. WTB Airmaster
  47. IVO Prop inflight adjustable brushes
  48. IVOPROP IFA Medium - Moment of Inertia Test
  49. New Whirlwind prop
  50. IVO med on kitfox 3
  51. Props comparison.
  52. Model IV prop size and ground clearance.
  53. Prop Angle vs RPM and Speed
  54. Warp drive moment of inertia
  55. Prop torque
  56. Best prop for KF 3 with Jabiru 2200
  57. sizes (again..)
  58. Rotax 618 with 3-1 ratio
  59. Warp HP-L blade clamping bolt size?
  60. IvoProp IFA - constant speed governor
  61. need info powerfine
  62. LSA Ground Adjust vs "Electrically Adjustable"
  63. noise statement
  64. Ivo medium spinner
  65. Best prop for KF 7 with an 0-200
  66. Prop Balancing Question
  67. Ivo ga
  68. Which Propeller
  69. Airmaster Propeller System
  70. Prop Balance
  71. IVO Prop Pitch Adjustment
  72. starting propeller pitch
  73. 3 blade 70" IVO & 912ULS
  74. ODD prop question!
  75. 912 80hp with power fin
  76. Carbon fiber spinner
  77. Prop Bolts
  78. IVO vs. Warp Drive
  79. GSC Propellor
  80. IVO prop slings SS tapes
  81. IVO IFA retro
  82. Best Greabox Ratio for Model III with 582
  83. Arplast propellor
  84. Fixed Pitch Props
  85. Prop choice
  86. What props are available for the 582?
  87. WARP DRIVE: Square or Taper Tip
  88. Prop selection SS7 912ULS
  89. Best ratio for GSC 3 blade 582?
  90. Warp Drive on a 582
  91. Ivo Prop
  92. Warp Drive adjustable 3 blade ?
  93. IVO InFlight Adjustable
  94. Can I use A DUC Swirl Prop on a Franklin?
  95. Spinner, to paint or polish?
  96. Warp Drive - Square Tip Vibrations
  97. UHS Spinners
  98. Jabiru Props
  99. GSC to IVO on 582 2.62
  100. Airmaster propeller systems on the Kitfox
  101. Whirl Wind 70" versus 75"
  102. Prop for 912 in KF IV?
  103. What Setting to start with on GA Warp Prop
  104. Looking for DynaVibe in Phoenix
  105. Prop Pitch...again
  106. Torque ? Wood prop, Continental IO-240
  107. Help needed with new Warp drive on my 582
  108. Ivoprop ifa bolts
  109. Dynavibe balancer
  110. Prop bolt?
  111. Jabiru prop
  112. Looking for GSC Prop Spinner Backer Plate
  113. Koolprop on jabiru
  114. Dynavibe. Another Shoutout
  115. Rotor Balance App
  116. Airmaster Propeller Installation
  117. What are you using for the 912is
  118. Dynavibe Rental
  119. 80 hp 912 ul kitfox 4 round nose ivo prop speeds
  120. repair the Warp Drive or switch to ??
  121. Airmaster repair
  122. Favorite prop?
  123. IVO Ground adjustable
  124. AirMaster constant speed prop
  125. how a prop works..??
  126. Powerfin on a 80 HP 912
  127. Collar nuts for Whirlwind prop installation
  128. Luga prop
  129. Whirlwind CS
  130. propeller pitch fixture
  131. Calculation of propeller tip speed
  132. Proper Rotec 2800 prop
  133. Airmaster install/conversion on a 914UL2...
  134. NR Propeller
  135. Prop bolts
  136. Propeller help
  137. GSC upgrade
  138. GSC Peeling
  139. New Prop Choice for 100hp Subaru
  140. Warp Drive maintence question
  141. NP propellor vs Wirlwind
  142. 582 prop advice
  143. Mod IV with 582, setting prop pitch question
  144. Constant Speed Propeller for IO-200
  145. Ivoprop maintenance
  146. Balance Master
  147. Leaking airmaster prop
  148. GSC Tech III vs IVOProp Ground adjustable performance comparison
  149. IO 240 spinner.
  150. IVOProp, 912ULS, Prop Extension and, Spinner
  151. Single Lever Prop Control
  152. NSI CAP140 Prop
  153. Propellor Bolts for B box
  154. Balancer
  155. Another propeller question: Airmaster 70" vs 75" with Edge 914?
  156. Dynavibe Available
  157. Not getting up to speed
  158. No Ivo Props on Lycoming?
  159. 2 blade Warp drive on an 80 HP 912?
  160. Working out airmaster operation
  161. Changing Blades on Airmaster Prop
  162. Mt constant speed prop ???
  163. Aluminium spinner for GSC prop install instructions
  164. Warp Drive 3 Blade Prop Pitch KF IV 912ul
  165. Setting Whirlwind GA-RW3B pitch on 912ULS
  166. Soliciting advice for a new prop... Series 5, Lycoming O-235
  167. Questions: IVOPROP Medium IFA
  168. Nsi cap 140
  169. Whirlwind prop balance weights
  170. WTB Jabiru 3300 Prop
  171. Spinner Diameter
  172. BAD vibration!
  173. Rotax 914 Fuel burn at 5 000 Rpm and 31 Map
  174. Considering a prop upgrade
  175. model 6 spinner size
  176. Warp Drive prop size?
  177. 915is Airmaster Propeller Options
  178. E-Props
  179. 915is Ground-Adjustable
  180. Questions on IVOPROP IFA magnum
  181. MT vs Airmaster on 915iS
  182. STi propellor: CS or ground adjustable? Duc windspoon?
  183. Flybox APR1 - Fully Auto Prop Controller
  184. Sensenich 3 Blade
  185. DynaVibe Pros
  186. Four-Blade props?
  187. NR prop holes to tight
  188. New propeller for 912ul model iv
  189. Tracking a Whirlwind
  190. Balancing a Whirlwind Prop
  191. Jabiru 2200 new duc prop starting angle
  192. NR prop bolt concern
  193. NR and Catto prop in a video.
  194. WhirlWind Propellers acquired by Hartzell
  195. Duc Swirl-3. How much tip play is acceptable
  196. ivoprop 3 blade for 912ul
  197. NTSB Safety Alert: Aluminum Prop Failures
  198. what prop should I get
  199. Prop blades came off
  200. E-Props