View Full Version : Kitfox general discussion

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  1. Bleeding Brakes on a Kitfox
  2. New Forum / Thanks
  3. Which Kitfox is LSA capable?
  4. Gross Weight VS Max Takeoff Weight
  5. Cockpit ventilation
  6. "Since original Certification..." Editorial
  7. Kitfox Brake Lines
  8. Kitfox aerobatics?
  9. Leaf Spring Angle
  10. New Items, Oshkosh and Factory Fly-in
  11. Randy's Kitfox
  12. New to the TeamKitfox
  13. Horizontal stab incidence.
  14. Vixen 789'er Delta Foxtrot on Short Final forTeamKitfox
  15. Osh Kosh 2008
  16. It's finally here/show us your workshop
  17. Flox question
  18. ELSA and SLSA
  19. Lubrication
  20. 51%
  21. Kitfox series 7 vs. Rans S7
  22. EuroFox and the Kitfox?
  23. Elevator pivot tabs
  24. Proseal the firewall
  25. loctite RC680
  26. Header tank needed?
  27. Kitfox factory fly-in this weekend
  28. Factory Fly-in recap
  29. Starting a Model 1 Kitfox
  30. Trip to High Valley Resort in Suches, GA: Oct 9-12
  31. Trailering a Kitfox.
  32. Static system thoughts
  33. First Flight!
  34. Speed mods
  35. First Dual Flight of 85DD
  36. Playing with fire?
  37. Introduction
  38. TeamKitfox.com update
  39. Anybody Flying a Rotax 582
  40. Kitfox Squadrons?
  41. brake lines and herculiner under seat
  42. Control stick and wiring
  43. Baggage Area
  44. Bryan in Kansas.
  45. Kitfox Aircraft Update
  46. rudder cable guide question
  47. SS trim position sensor?
  48. Covering issues, need advice
  49. Lift Strut Cuffs
  50. Spliced aluminum stringers?
  51. rod end question
  52. swaging copilot rudder cable question
  53. Fresh air breathing system rental?
  54. Rudder Trim
  55. CopperState EAA fly-in this weekend Casa Grande, AZ.
  56. Change in certification possible?
  57. Rudder pedal friction
  58. Exhaust Pipe Failure
  59. Sight Glass failure
  60. Really trailerable?
  61. kitfox 3 vs 4
  62. Why is my landing gear so long...?
  63. What would happen if the trim actuator failed?
  64. Seat pan/rudder cable interference
  65. Main Gear Replacement
  66. Vertical fairing
  67. Max TAS
  68. Attn: AOL users
  69. Any AOL users?
  70. Kitfox 3 wing twist
  71. Window Reinforcement
  72. Two historic Kitfox photos.
  73. Correct rudder pedal pivot?
  74. Glare shield help.
  75. Another newbie
  76. Cable length
  77. Humidity while painting
  78. LED nav/strobe lights
  79. Swaging question
  80. New Kitfox Aircraft catalog
  81. N. Las Vegas Seeks to Ban Experimental Aircraft
  82. Bungee Replacement
  83. Kitfox 1.5
  84. An excellent thread sealant
  85. Hysol and Bondo
  86. Model 2 or Model 3 Wings?
  87. MEK question
  88. Question about lexan
  89. New member.
  90. Fuselage side stringers
  91. Rust!!
  92. Batteling Fish Eye
  93. Kitfox's 25th Anniversary 1984-2009
  94. Control Column Bearing
  95. First flight
  96. Epoxy primer
  97. Scale
  98. Wing performance
  99. Series 7 / SS Trim, Electric vs Trim Tabs
  100. Radio & Sidetone
  101. Throttle Cable
  102. The painting process
  103. first flight 912uls engine
  104. Kitfox 3 Wing Locker
  105. Need Some Input
  106. windsheild seal question
  107. Why did you choose a Kitfox?
  108. Used Experimentals
  109. 582 Seizure, ... I Suggest You Avoid This
  110. Cooling Systems drips
  111. Painted my fusalage this weekend
  112. WINGS III Flaperon Hangers
  113. Speedwing III
  114. polytone over fiberglass/metal
  115. Fuel lines
  116. How long was your engine in the box?
  117. considerations for buying a used kit
  118. Leaking quick drains
  119. Thoughts on cabin ventilation
  120. Parts
  121. Bush Gear
  122. Window Film
  123. Fabric covering butt Rib Series 6
  124. Spring trim on a Kitfox IV?
  125. Winter Upgrades to the Kitfox
  126. Model IV through Series 6 Flaperons
  127. KFIV cabin heat
  128. Carb. balancing
  129. Dynon D10A
  130. Sikaflex 295uv adhesive for doors
  131. Avgas Stains
  132. Primer for 912
  133. Brake Woes
  134. Fuel pressure sensor
  135. Kitfox Aircraft LLC Announces New S-LSA
  136. Door Gas Springs
  137. New Control stick
  138. Realistically, How Long to Build
  139. Kitfox and beginners
  140. New to the boards, got questions!
  141. I just joined the forum yesterday April 29th
  142. new member cracked his windshield
  143. Korn fed Kitfox
  144. New member Danny and Super Sport construction photos.
  145. Best way to test strobe light?
  146. Wing stand
  147. Wheeler or 3 point?
  148. Rudder Pedal and toe brakes.
  149. Kitfox Moments
  150. Model 1 Bubble Door Mod
  151. Few updates - Whirlwind Prop
  152. Wing Rebuilding
  153. Oops, Cotton Flox?
  154. possible answer to moving kitfox's in a shop
  155. Flush new fuel tanks?
  156. Engine Break-in
  157. Taxi safety
  158. Runaway plane - serious mishap - throttle cable
  159. Wire runs
  160. Kitfox Enclosed Trailer
  161. How many have a BRS ?
  162. (un)Necessary gauges
  163. Kitfox IV fatality
  164. The kit has arrived!
  165. Kitfox MK7 Fuel Tank Problem
  166. Door hinges for SS
  167. performance effects of full size cargo pod?
  168. Rudder pedal madness
  169. Rudder cables & pulleys
  170. Super Sport HS covering
  171. Elevator rigging
  172. Fuel filter
  173. Main Gear Tires?
  174. Door installation
  175. Wing Storage
  176. Ruptured fuel tank
  177. Wing repair documented
  178. Strut Attach Brackets
  179. Cleaner and Polish for fabric airplanes
  180. Installing Rudder
  181. Need to buy a certified LSA, any recommendations?
  182. speedster mods
  183. Kitfox bipe?
  184. Bushrod is in Washington
  185. Temp lift strut brace
  186. wing tanks
  187. Need help with a 912 electrical problem.
  188. Polyfiber Workshop
  189. Marine Protection
  190. Long range fuel?
  191. Landing lights
  192. Leadership change at TeamKitfox.com
  193. Where can I get the rubber ignition mounts for my 912?
  194. Wing Folding
  195. Introducing Dan Billingsley,TeamKitfox Moderator.
  196. New member: George from England needs tires.
  197. Cracked windshield
  198. Parking Brakes
  199. Long legs and brakes
  200. Clean straight cuts in the instrument panel
  201. Stainless steel brake line kits
  202. One fuel tank?
  203. Early Morning Kitfox flight
  204. New and in need of input
  205. Help please with flaperons
  206. Replace 6 gal with 13 gal fuel tank
  207. Considering Kitfox purchase (need float plane advise)
  208. Low and slow
  209. Looking for Info on Enclosed Trailer for Kitfox 7
  210. EAA B-17 Aluminum Overcast
  211. Seat installation
  212. A Favor To Ask...
  213. Folding bike?
  214. Wing covering
  215. Wing rigging....
  216. Trailer specifications?
  217. Mounting battery - PC680 and box
  218. Header Tank Woes
  219. Tool for positioning a bolt, or washer plus nut
  220. Wanting to install a BRS in a Kitfox IV. Got Pictures?
  221. Planning to start my engine
  222. New Member
  223. Header tank materials?
  224. Flying with the doors open?
  225. Stick angle?
  226. Weaght & Balance Program
  227. Fuel tank openings rusted
  228. Rotax 912 tac wiring
  229. Max take off weight
  230. Started my engine today
  231. System voltage
  232. First Condition Inspection
  233. Wing stand
  234. Horizontal stabilizer
  235. Getting the tail up on takeoff
  236. Loose tape seam?
  237. Slipper clutch...
  238. Kitfox on floats or skis?
  239. My panel design
  240. Need Help - First Time Bungee Replacement
  241. Kitfox 25th anniversary fly-in
  242. Turtle deck spacer
  243. Happy 25th Anniversary Kitfox!
  244. Jacking the spring gear?
  245. Barnstormer Ads...
  246. Great new set of pics from Andy
  247. Separated at birth?
  248. Which brake master cylinders?
  249. Work Shop Size
  250. Removeable Wingtips