- Sept '08 KOTM - Steve Wilson
- Oct '08 KOTM - Jud & Clarissa Parker
- Nov '08 KOTM - Bruce Hoisington
- Dec '08 KOTM - Bryan Fisher
- Jan '09 KOTM - Steve Kellander
- Feb '09 KOTM - John King
- March '09 KOTM - Joe Meyeres
- May '09 KOTM - Peter Johnson
- Mark and Renee Smith July Kitfox of the Month
- Kitfox of the Month John and Deb McBean
- September 2009 KOTM Chris Engler (CDE2FLY)
- October 2009 Kitfox of the Month Jim Shnowske
- Nov. 2009 Kitfox of the Month Paul Seehafer
- December 2009 Kitfox of the Month Larry Wenning Model 4-1050
- January 2010 Kitfox of the Month Dave S.
- Feb. 2010 Kitfox of the Month Paul Zimmerman
- KOTM for March 2010 Andy Karmy's Model 7.
- KOTM program
- Kitfox of the Month for April 2010 Daryl Hansen and Aaron Whitaker
- Kitfox of the Month for May 2010 Mike and Kathy Custard.
- Bill Prokes Kitfox of the Month June 2010 "Little Red".
- July 2010 KOTM Don Saint's Rotec powered Super Sport Part 1
- Kitfox of the Month Sept. 2010 John Kuzmic
- Kitfox of the Month March 2012 Vincent Ruchet
- KOTM- May 2012- Jimmy Miller & Jim Hunter's 7 Super Sport
- Patrick Hintz' Model 6 Kitfox of the Month Jan. 2016.
- December 2016 KOTM Olaf's Model 3
- January 2017 KOTM. Mangy Fox
- KOTM February 2017 Jonathan Holland's Model 3
- Kitfox of the Month for February 2020. FlagFox from Illinois.