Todays kitfox kits are dramatically improved from when I built my Series 5 that I purchased from the pre Mcbeans , Skystar ownership. I watched the two factory youtube videos that were recently done by John and couldn't believe how much the kits have improved , especially with the prebuilt options. I recall a drill press and dremel tool over a weeks time making the flap and adjustable rudder pedal brackets. I was a bit surprised at the amount of manufacturing that was required from rough stock , but once i realized what was involved , I just worked on one widget at a time not a whole airplane. Before you know it (actually 4 years) , I had an airplane that I have been flying for 17 years and still love it. Enjoy the process it will be worth it. I bow to you scratch builders like John Evens ,with his thorp build ,amazing amount of skill and dedication there , I am not worthy. Bruce N199CL