So I bought the original posters plane and the finger strainer was plugged almost solid. I have pictures but every time I hit the upload button, nothing happens. It looked like it flowed that way so the resin was soft at one point. I also found a big chunk of resin(looks like part of fillet) banging around in there. This plane only had 60 hours on it. I just wanted to post this because the original owner had commented that the one wing was draining faster than the other and some people assured him that this was a normal Kitfox thing. Looking back, some people did advise to look at the fuel system. The uneven fuel drain IS normal. However, if you have doubts, pull these finger strainers! Make sure you are checking them every annual even if it's a PITA.

Now, interestingly enough, the resin got past the strainer but then piled up in the threads. So I'm not saying the finger strainer will save you but lets be diligent!