Quote Originally Posted by DesertFox4 View Post
Eddie, the model 4 with a Rotax 4 stroke will give you a cruise speed from 105 mph to 120 mph. Depends on 80 hp. or 100 hp and lift strut fairings or not. Also prop choice will affect this number. My model 4 with 100 hp and Ivo prop and lift strut fairings installed will cruise 115 to 120 mph easily and higher if you want to push more fuel.

Crosswind landings, I believe the book shows 12-15 knots or so. I've got the tri-gear so can do a little better. Have done better many times. The four has plenty of rudder and great roll authority even below the stall speed.

Cross country flights have ranged from Phoenix to Idaho many times. Several times to California. Minnesota has been done in one day several times from Phoenix also. Baggage capacity on my model 4 is at 125 lbs for C.G. purposes but I usually limit to 60 lbs. for turbulence induced loading. Tested to 215 lbs. static so good safety margin strength wise on mine. Not sure what others test to.

Never flown it IFR but a few others have. Mine is not equipped for it nor am I rated for IFR flight

I too left the certified aircraft world behind and never looked back.
No 337 forms to fill out , you can do your own conditional inspections and sign them off if you built the plane and hold a repairman's certificate. Can do all your own upkeep ect.
Lots of model 4 owners on the forums and they will share their numbers and thoughts too as they see your post. Welcome aboard. Hope when you move over to the experimental side of the game you will enjoy it as much as I have.
That is every useful information. That's decent weight allowance which should be enough for light weight camping. I've heard mixed things about them from the other pilots on the field with some loving them and other saying them are terrible in turbulence. I was talking to one IA who has worked on a few and he was saying he really likes a model IV with a O-200 modified to put out 115-120hp which really turns it into a rocket ship.

You in the Phoenix area? I'm in SoCal which is a short hop. It'd be awesome to fly some before jumping in. I'd be happy to buy some gas and lunch sometime!