I thought it was about time I introduced myself. My name is Mark. I've been lurking here for over a year. Last August I went to Stick and Rudder and got my tailwheel endorsement as well as attending the factory fly in. Needless to say those two experiences solidified my decision to own a kitfox. Reading the forum and watching Barnstormers everyday, I was beginning to feel a bit discouraged about finding just the right airplane for me. I saw great options all over the place, Florida, New York, Texas, Washington. Living in Colorado meant that all of these options were quite a ways from me. Finally, through some googling, I found a local EAA chapter list that revealed to me two kitfox owners within a 45 min drive from where I live. I contacted them through email and one responded saying he may be interested in selling his. He built a RV and hasn't flown the Kitfox for 10 years. He had an oil issue on his last flight that had not been resolved since. Some of you may recognize the plane from this thread.


Without being able to fly the airplane and not really knowing what the issue was we came to an agreement on a good price.

Here are photos from the first day we went and looked at it.


Deciding between building and buying is hard but I figured that with such a good base of an airplane, I would save a lot of time even if I had to put a whole new motor in it. So here is the day we brought her home just 4 days after seeing her for the first time.


Now approaching a month later, after some TLC, we fired her up for the first time in 10 years. Oh and by the way the oil leak was from the line for the remote mounted oil pressure sensor. It was not secured very well and was rubbing against part of the engine mount and gave way about 100 hours in. So everyone should check that next time they have the cowl open.

Having a spouse that is excited about this as I am is one of the coolest things I can imagine. She has been documenting this whole process and I can't thank her enough for that. So here is the first start up. WARNING: THERE IS SOME CREATIVE LANGUAGE IN THE VIDEO. I told you she is excited.


There are still some things that will need to be resolved before I fly it. Mostly making sure all the rubber is in good condition. And a few other little things here and there.

Sorry for the long post but it is well past due as I have garnered a lot from this awesome forum. It's part of the reason I know the kitfox is for me.