Was referred to a guy yesterday who has a 582-powered IV that he needs a checkout in. I'm a CFI with tailwheel (and tailwheel instructing) experience, although not recently. Was told I can get current/comfortable next week in the plane before instructing the owner (I'll be flying it with our mutual friend who referred me- he can't do it himself as he's busy and not a CFI). I'm not planning to teach the owner until I know the plane pretty well, but I've been wanting to get back into TW flying, so am excited about this opportunity both to fly TW and to get to know a Kitfox better.

I've flown a lot of TW models- Great Lakes, Citabrias, Super Decathlon, Piper Pacer, Stinson 108, Gull-wing Stinson, Cessna 120, 140, 170, Champ, J-3 Cub, Super Cub- can't think of more offhand. But, this will be my first experience with a Kitfox and also flying behind a 582 (the only Rotax I've flown was the Katana years ago when they came out with a 80-hp 912 and electric CS prop).

So, anybody have any good gouge to share?
