I have been considering building a kitplane for some time, but I am still in the research phase. I am quite interested in the kitfox 7. My main mission for the aircraft is affordability. I'm not talking construction costs, but operating, fuel and storage costs. I am curious if anyone here has much experience with folding the wings and trailering the aircraft. Is folding them a big difficult deal? Can I do it myself? The kitfox is a little too big to keep in my garage, but I am thinking that a storage unit might be very cost effective as opposed to a hangar. (Where I live, the hangars run around $300 per month.) Does anyone have any experience with this?

If I have to rent a hangar anyway, I will probably build a rv or glasair. However, if I can get an airplane such as the kitfox that is easy to fold and store more cheaply, I think that I would be sold on it. Thanks for the info!