awesome~!! good for you Rdooley,..from my experience hauling my model 2 on a trailer..strap the wheels only,..don't tie the airframe down,..if it's an open trailer, might want to consider searching the area near where your picking up your bird for a boat dealership and get it heat wrapped ,.this will keep the elements off her for the road trip,..if it's an enclosed trailer your set take a couple old socks with you,..if it's an open trailer,...slide the socks over the prop tips and tie a knot to one side then tie a rope around the knots and go in an X down to the trailer,,this will keep the prop from wind milling,,don't tie these lines too tight,,allow for the suspension of the plane to travel,,leaving a little slack ,..I'm not too far from Fort Leonardwood,, not sure if your taking the high road ( route 70) or coming down by Kansas city then scooting across 60 to 63 or? but if you end up in this area for the night I can save you some motel expenses