OK, so I confess... I received my shipment of Oratex stuff yesterday. I'm sure there are those on this list who will shake their heads, but I think I'm going to do fine with it. A lot of soul-searching & research the last couple of years, & I finally jumped in. After seeing it at OSH a couple of times, & talking to several users, then playing with the sample kit I got, I made up my mind. Invested in a good digital heat gun. You still need a good iron also (digital is good). A heat gun is highly discouraged with PolyFiber, but works beautifully with Oratex. Oratex doesn't start to loosen, unlike PolyFiber, when you heat it above a certain point. It shrinks & is fine right up to the point where it is melted & destroyed - I believe about 485 deg. F. The "hot melt" glue is neat. Brush it on, let it dry, then it is melted with heat (100 deg. C, 212 deg. F) & pressure from the iron (or heat gun & felt pad) to stick things together, which also starts a chemical reaction. This causes the bond to strengthen, & the glue will not melt again until a much higher temperature. I'll try to post some pictures as the project progresses.