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Thread: Byrd's Spring Backcountry Fly-in

  1. #1
    Senior Member bbs428's Avatar
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    SW Missouri

    Default Byrd's Spring Backcountry Fly-in

    Had a great time at Byrd's adventure Center in Northwest Arkansas, right on the Mulberry River. Camping under your wing was 12 dollars a night.

    It was My 1st time there, so it was a little stressful getting in to the 1900 ft strip. Normal approach is East to West, and that day was a slight tailwind.
    The mulberry river was on the left with a steep hill on the right. You fly right down the valley to the airstrip. The G3x was not helping matters yelling in my headset PULL UP! TERRAIN! PULL UP! Note to self - disable that before flying there again!
    My landing was a bit fast, but the grass slowed me down quickly. When I left, takeoff was by the book, just in reverse.

    The weather was perfect and that evening we were all entertained by the northern lights. My i-phone batt. was dead so no pics of that unfortunately.
    The owner of Byrd's fly's a older Kitfox 4. He was excited to have another kitfox at the Spring Backcountry Fly-in and we talked awhile about our airplanes.
    His wife and him were gracious hosts and had coffee and pastries waiting for us at the airfield when we woke up the next day! How cool is that!
    They also have a restaurant and convenience store, a Fall Fly-in, music festivals, and a 4x4 rallies through the year.

    What a beautiful place! I highly recommend making the trip!

    IMG_2603.jpg in the plane.jpg IMG_2609.jpg IMG_2617.jpg IMG_2621.jpg kitfox 4 and patriot at Byrds.jpg
    IMG_2619.jpg IMG_2634.jpg Web
    "Somebody said that carrier pilots were the best in the world, and they must be or there wouldn't be any of them left alive." Ernie Pyle

    Brett Butler
    Flying: N46KF, 1998 Model 5 Outback, 912ul 110hp, G3x with 2 axis a/p, Beringer wheels & brakes, SS7 firewall forward, NR prop, Custom paint

  2. #2
    Senior Member jrevens's Avatar
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    Arrow Re: Byrd's Spring Backcountry Fly-in

    Quote Originally Posted by bbs428 View Post
    Had a great time at Byrd's adventure Center in Northwest Arkansas, right on the Mulberry River. Camping under your wing was 12 dollars a night?
    It looks like a beautiful strip! Lots of fun!
    John Evens
    Arvada, CO
    Kitfox SS7 N27JE
    EAA Lifetime
    Chap. 43 honorary Lifetime

  3. #3
    Senior Member
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    Default Re: Byrd's Spring Backcountry Fly-in

    Just like an S-3 Pogue to find all the nice boondoggle places. Nice!!! I think you need to go to Fallon, NV for your next adventure. You can camp under your wing for real cheap!!

    Gary (Geek) Phenning
    Leavenworth (Not the Prison), WA
    Kitfox STi N68SG

  4. #4
    Senior Member Kitfox Pilot's Avatar
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    Default Re: Byrd's Spring Backcountry Fly-in

    What kind of tie downs do you have on your plane?
    Harlan and Susan Payne
    Flying FarmFox STI Kitfox N61HP
    Rotax 915is, Airmaster prop.

  5. #5
    Senior Member bbs428's Avatar
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    SW Missouri

    Default Re: Byrd's Spring Backcountry Fly-in

    My tie-downs are handmade from my junk pile and my local hardware store - 3/8 stainless wire swaged, 4 extra-large gutter spikes and 3/8 para-cord.
    Works very well in the dense clay soil. I angle the spikes inwards when driving them in.

    kitfox tiedown.JPG
    "Somebody said that carrier pilots were the best in the world, and they must be or there wouldn't be any of them left alive." Ernie Pyle

    Brett Butler
    Flying: N46KF, 1998 Model 5 Outback, 912ul 110hp, G3x with 2 axis a/p, Beringer wheels & brakes, SS7 firewall forward, NR prop, Custom paint

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